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Empowering Canadians

to stand for our civil rights.

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Together we are stronger!

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Our team, Vision & Commitment

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Please visit our litigation tab to learn about our recent application at Court of Queens Bench  setting aside the recent Chief Medical Officer of Health Orders that trample the constitutionally-protected rights of citizens of Alberta.




It's not about a virus, it's about control.


As we find ourselves at the dawn of the “The Great Reset”, an “opportunity” as Justin Trudeau has said recently, to build back better.  The problem is that this devious plan is not intended to make your life any better, in fact the opposite, it will slowly destroy your freedoms and leave you without any hope for the future, a dystopian society concept known as Neo-Feudalism.


This emerging New World Order is our common threat that transcends any and all identity politics, wealth, and status and is of such magnitude that it is nearly impossible to believe. Most of us have no idea it even exists, yet it is happening right in front of our eyes. This is also known as the “totalitarian tip toe” which slowly creeps up on you without you knowing, and ultimately becomes too late to do anything about it.


Our civil rights are being stripped away, unless we fight for them now we may never get them back. We may soon be prevented from protesting together, organizing ourselves to stand up, or taking any action whatsoever.


Under the threat of another lockdown, possibly more severe than the last, our ability to protect our freedoms becomes an even more difficult and daunting task.


We must take urgent collective action now, before it is too late!


We are reaching out to everyone who values their freedom, people of any age, race, color or creed.  Anyone who has been impacted by this plandemic, or anyone who is afraid they might be next, should get involved immediately. Time is of the essence


We are all in this fight together and must put our differences aside to stand together as a unified voice. Together we are stronger, join us to take a stand for our freedom.


Time is running out, but we have a plan and need your help.


Be a part of the solution today!


Our Plan:

Short term goals: To grow the F4C community and raise awareness of the situation, pursue litigation in the Province of Alberta that challenges the emergency/ orders to have them struck and establish a solid legal precedent, pursue a class action lawsuit for financial damages to awaken tax payers and dissuade future measures.


Medium term goals: To grow the F4C community on a national level, replicate the Alberta litigation plan in all other provinces across Canada, pursue a federal class action lawsuit for financial damages to awaken tax payers and dissuade future measures.


Long term goals: Continue to grow the F4C community on a national level into a unified voice that stands for civil liberties and can influence election outcomes, influence the government to enact legislation that closes the back doors (eg: WHO setting our health policies) in our system the globalists have exploited to strip our freedoms, help Canadians develop a long term and sustainable Canada first political system that gives the power back to the people.


This website deliberately does not contain statistics or other data, there is numerous well established websites that we link to for further more detailed information.  Please visit our news page or our petitions page for links to other groups specializing in various topics.


Building Awareness

Knowing is half the battle

It is increasingly difficult to know who you can trust when seeking the truth.  Our team is dedicated to researching the latest developments, news and data to provide our members with an unbiased and factual source of information they can rely on.


We provide education to our members on civil rights, the truth relating to the measures being taken and how they can continue to live freely.

Hold them to account

We take legal action on behalf of our members

We have retained one of the nations leading constitutional lawyers and are taking collective legal action against those individuals that are responsible for the loss of our civil liberties.


We are pursuing the people responsible for the loss of our liberty to fullest extent of the law and will not rest until they are held accountable for their actions.


Without consequences they will only keep going further.


Power of the people

We are taking a stand when and where it counts

We promote rallies organized by others in key places to make an impact. These rallies typically have influential guest speakers sharing insight that is not commonly available.


When we come together in a unified voice, they cannot ignore us and we can demonstrate that we won't tolerate the loss of our liberty in exchange for a little assumed safety.

'Emergencies' have always been the pretext

on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.

Freidrick August Von Hayek

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Take Action Today!

Stand with us for our rights and freedoms 

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