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There is hope!

& Other Therapies

Stop the agenda and Educate others

Many people derivie benefit from products and protocols to with cleansing the body from the ingredients of the vaccine and the damages it has caused them. This is not to be construed as medical advice. If you're experiencing medical issues due to the vaccine or for any other reason, please see a medical professional. The information below is compiled from numerous sources that have been shared online and off. Check back regularly for updates.

Why Detox?

Protocol Ingredients / Products

Detox Protocol Site Link

Products & Proocols




Am I vaccine injured?


There are three possibilities:

1. You had the COVID shot and have unusual symptoms

2. You had the COVID shot and, although no apparent symptoms, have ongoing hidden injury; OR

3. You are exposed to people who had the shot and you experience symptoms.

What are symptoms to look for? 

Many symptoms have been reported after a shot - there are 9 full pages of adverse events o Pfizer test documents! Reactions and symptoms include fatigue, arthritis, blood clots, strokes, chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. Some people have no symptoms but could still be injured. Many people including healthy athletes, young doctors and even chidren are dying without warning Some people feel normal but have high blood markers or clotting and myocarditis. If you've had the shot, consider yourself injured until proven otherwise. You can start detox immediately to protect you from potential adverse events.


What can I do if I am injured?

Consult your doctor. Your doctor is legally required to submit an Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) report (see


You can also register your own suspected injuries at : 


Many people derive benefit from products and protocols to with cleansing the body from the ingredients of the vaccine and the damages it has caused them. This is not to be construed as medical advice. If you're experiencing medical issues due to the vaccine or for any other reason, please see a medical professional. The information below is compiled from numerous sources that have been shared online and off. Check back regularly for updates.

Why Detox?

Protocol Ingredients / Products

Detox Protocol Site Link

Why Detox?


Protocol Ingredients / Products



There are many different mRNA & GRAPHENE Detox Protocols circulating.

Below is a list of most of the ingredients and related links for you, so you have it all in one post.
Most of these items are easy to find. We will update and create links to the various products, so check back regularly

SHARE this page with your friends and loved ones. 
Just choose what's right or YOU 👍

Detox Protocols have the following products & / or ingredients:


GLUTATHIONE - 3 ways to achieve - NAC / direct or liposomal / precursors - description and purchase information.
NAC (N-Acetyl Cystein)
VIT D³ & K



Other therapies

Other therapies are helpful, also. 
Therapies like near or far infared saunas, 
(more info coming soon)

Detox Protocol Site Links

LifeSite News

How to detox spike protein from jab or virus

Here’s how to detox from the COVID spike protein – from the jab or the virus

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Truth for Health Foundation

Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide - Roadmap to recovery

Comprehensive guide

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World Council for Health

Spike Protein Detox Guide

This is an evolving guide with emerging information on how to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body. The lists of herbal and other medicines and supplements have been compiled in a collaboration between international doctors, scientists, and holistic medical practitioners.

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Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

I-RECOVER: Post-Vaccine Treatment

Major public health authorities do not recognize post-COVID-vaccine injuries; and there is no specific ICD classification code for this disease. However, while no official definition exists, a temporal correlation between a patient receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and beginning or worsening of clinical manifestations is sufficient to diagnose as a COVID-19 vaccine-induced injury when the symptoms are unexplained by other concurrent causes.

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World Council for Health

A practical approach to keeping healthy after your Covid-19 jab

The World Council for Health recognizes that some people become unwell after the Covid-19 vaccination. This guide describes the types of illnesses associated with injection and how doctors are managing them.

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The Expose - News

How To Remove Graphene Oxide from The Body

This is a holistic approach of using several different methods simultaneously for the best effect. Including, specific supplements to degrade the graphene oxide in the body, and controlling EMFs in the environment to minimize graphene oxide activation.
This information comes from several sources and is based on scientific studies. Links are reference below.
Understanding Glutathione

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Detox Links
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